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The Cave, Finca & Cortijo Forum. Andalucia..
The Cave, Finca & Cortijo Forum. Andalucia..
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Microlights at Huescar International Airport.

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Microlights at Huescar International Airport. Empty Microlights at Huescar International Airport.

Post by Cestrian Tue May 08, 2018 5:29 pm

At the back of our house are a couple of fields, unused. In the far field, there is a runway strip and occasionally at weekends we have a microlight or two using the runway and they pass over our house while taking off.
I would love to get a photo or two, but it's very random activity.
Anyone know who the microlights belong to or contact details ?

Posts : 79
Join date : 2015-09-03
Location : Huescar, Granada.

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