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Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers

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Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers Empty Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers

Post by DannyandJosie Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:03 pm

Hi guys,

Does anyone have personal experience on making online money transfers with Caja Rural ?

I needed to pay the builder for work and tried an online transfer as currently out of Spain. Completed all details but then when I went to submit it I was referred to a number in Spain to call.

It was too inconvenient at the time so I ended up transferring money from the UK but would like to use my Spanish account in th future.

Is there a set up procedure I need to go through so I can make online transfers that I don't know about ?

Any advice would be appreciated.




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Location : Baza

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Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers Empty Re: Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers

Post by Him & Her Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:45 pm

I had the same problem, I Had to go to your branch and complete a form and you are given a code template that you use to make a code, that have to be used each time you transfer, sounds worse than it is, good luck. Very Happy
Him & Her
Him & Her

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Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers Empty Re: Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers

Post by pete_l Tue Jun 14, 2016 6:14 am

I have a Caja Rural account and I do this sort of thing all the time, without complication.

You need to be enroled into the online banking system. That ,eams you will have a username (not the same as the one you get for telephone banking) and a password (again: not the same). Plus a credit-card sized sheet with a table of 2-digit numbers on. When making a payment there will be two little boxes on the page with text like "B2" "H4". You have to look up the numbers corresponding to that row/column and enter them into the validation fields.
I can't say if that will work outside Spain. But it's never given me any trouble here.


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Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers Empty Re: Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers

Post by Ken Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:01 am

I've used the online banking with the card Pete mentions to transfer money to other accounts here in Spain, without difficulty.


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Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers Empty Re: Caja Rural de Granada - online money transfers

Post by DannyandJosie Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:33 pm

Cool. thanks. Sounds like I need to get this code template card then. Will add that to my 'to do' list when I return in September.


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Join date : 2015-03-10
Location : Baza

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