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The Cave, Finca & Cortijo Forum. Andalucia..
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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Donna Maria Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:31 am

Hi, I’m new to the forum and quite new to the idea of becoming a cave dweller, but I’m sold on it and currently searching for a cave to purchase. My favourite ticks all the boxes but has the following issues. I would appreciate any advice on whether these problems are insumaountable or not and any advice on how to fix them. based on the fact that the builder won’t even take on the job, I’m starting to wonder if I should keep shopping
1. It has salpetre deposits in 2 rooms. Builder who looked at it said can’t be solved and it will always come back
2. Water and electricity connections are 250m away
3. Need to install a septic tank but obvious location for soak away. How much does it cost to install a septic tank
4. The fireplace has fallen through so big hole to be filled

many Thanks,
Nervous and naive cave shopper

Donna Maria

Posts : 3
Join date : 2018-11-04

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Re: Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Mariposa Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:40 pm

Hi Donna Maria,

Welcome to the Forum.  

Which area is the cave in please - Galera, Huescar, Castril for example?  This will help us advise you as different areas here, have different issues.

There are lots of folk on the Forum with experience in all sorts of cave issues, here in the Granada region, so you are in the right place!  The earth/rock here is different to other parts of Spain though.

Salts do tend to keep appearing, even after being treated.  If it is just a small area, then you could try and dig back a little, cement the area and paint over it.  Otherwise you treat (anti salitre liquid) and paint when it comes through, maybe twice a year? If the salts are low down, you could put a barrier over the wall (a membrane) and then build a block wall in front of it.  It all depends on the amount of salts really.

I am very surprised that your builder won't take on the work.  Most Spanish cave builders have many, many years experience working on caves, having worked with their fathers or grandfathers over the years.  They can usually work around any issues.  Maybe you could ask a couple of other Spanish builders what they think?

Really, before works can start, you will need a water connection minimum.  You will need to ask at the local Town Hall. If it is possible. How long they might take to install a connection, or if a quicker temporary connection is possible.  Then you will need quotes.  The distance is irrelevant really.  It is how much it will cost to install the electric/water and whether it is possible, that you need to know!

I had a 4 - 6 person Eco Septic Tank installed at my last cave a few years ago.  It cost around 1500€ including the ground works.  It was located about 20m from the front of my cave, so pipeworks had to be laid to meet the ones that went to the old soak away, which was the other side of the corral.  I would say about 20m of new pipework was laid.  

It had very easy and level access.  That is always something to think about when having any work done to a cave.  You will also need to check what sort of Septic Tank your Town Hall will allow.  Some eco tanks that have clean water coming out the other side, are not allowed by Town Halls here.  It all depends on how the cave is located.

Hope this helps!


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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 58
Location : Castillejar

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Re: Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Mariposa Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:43 pm

P.S. If a water connection is not possible, then you could look into having a large water tank/deposit installed.  Some are dug into the ground, others are surface mounted.

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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 58
Location : Castillejar

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Re: Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Donna Maria Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:20 am

Hi Caroline,
Thank you for your comments. i found them extremely helpful. The cave in question is in EL Margen between Cullar and Galera. I was surprised too but am returning in a few weeks to get some new builders to quote. Are there any recommendations for local builders in the area in this area as i might get a second opnion?
Many Thanks again

Donna Maria

Posts : 3
Join date : 2018-11-04

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Re: Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Mariposa Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:16 pm

Your best bet, is to get quotes from at least 3 builders.  I am not sure who covers the El Margen area, but maybe someone will come along. 

I did up a house in the North of Spain and went round some bars, asking the locals if they knew of any builders.  No one spoke English and my Spanish wasn't very good then!  We managed.  I was recommended 2 and the Spanish Estate Agent recommended 1.  I went and saw some examples of their work and then they did quotes.  It was a slow process, but well worth it.  I then got some quotes, agreed on one and offered on the house.

When I came down here, the builder sort of came with the cave I bought near Galera, via the English Estate Agent - who I should point out, is no longer trading here.  It was a very odd situation, which I will never repeat!  There are lots of builders here - some good, some bad.  If any English, or Spanish ones Private Message you, ignore them!

If they are a good builder, they will offer their services, or be recommended to you openly on the posts.  You could ask around the Estate Agents (especially the Spanish Estate Agents that sell caves) who they recommend and then ask for experiences of using them, on this Forum.  

If anyone has anything bad to say, they will probably PM you, as posting anything bad about anyone on here, is I believe, not permitted.  

I believe Piet at Cuevas Spain in Huescar knows a good Spanish builder, but you will need to speak to him.

As I said before, a little salitre (salt), maybe a couple of patches here and there, is fine.  If there is a lot, in my opinion, walk away!


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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 58
Location : Castillejar

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Re: Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Donna Maria Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:28 pm

All very useful information again thanks. if i could figure out how to attach an image i could send a pic, but it covers most of the ceiling in 2 rooms of an 8 room cave. i have walked away for the time being...:-(

Donna Maria

Posts : 3
Join date : 2018-11-04

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Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave Empty Re: Saltpetre deposit in un reformed cave

Post by Mariposa Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:31 pm

Click on the envelope, under my symbol on the left and send me an email.  You should be able to attach a photo, which might help me understand.


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Age : 58
Location : Castillejar

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