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Another question

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Another question Empty Another question

Post by Natasha Mon Oct 09, 2017 12:40 pm

I've been visiting Spain for years now and still don't know what numbers I should ring for emergency services!

Can you tell me what the Spanish 999 is please? and if it's the same as the UK where they ask you what service you want?

Is there a local police station number that I should ring instead if I need to report something?

Basically I need the bomberos, policia and ambulancia numbers. I hope they are all the same!


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Join date : 2017-06-29
Age : 58
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Another question Empty Emergance phone number

Post by Ponderosa Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:23 pm

The emergence number is 95 112 they are exceptionally good we have used it when my wife had a fall Very Happy

Posts : 1535
Join date : 2010-03-20
Age : 94
Location : Cantarranas near Baza. Granada Spain

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Another question Empty Re: Another question

Post by Dave Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:12 pm

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Another question Empty Re: Another question

Post by Cats-R-Us Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:56 pm

Very good list but here are some updates. The dentist in Baza is, I think, the one that was opposite the OLD Mercadona. Mercadona moved a while ago to another part of town so someone new to the area might not know where it had been. The vet Jabalcon has changed its name, moved down the road and now has different phone numbers. It is now called Centro Veterinario Norte, phone 958 17 79 08, urgent - 696 813 570 (same vets available).

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Join date : 2010-04-20
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