The Cave, Finca & Cortijo Forum. Andalucia..

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The Cave, Finca & Cortijo Forum. Andalucia..
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Post by Cestrian Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:39 pm

Hi all,

In a previous life, I was Crystal Voyager on this forum, and some of you may remember me.  Had to register as a new account as the old account had been inactive, shame on me  !
Long story short, Bought a cave in 2007, lived there for 18 months, pound went poo and decided to return to the UK as my pensions were not stretching as far as they should !  Got my old job back, bought a house here and settled down again.
However,  I retire fully next year and have started making plans to return to Spain to our cave in Huescar.
Bit out of touch with things out there, so was wondering if someone can give us a heads up on the lifestyle out there.  Has it changed much in the last 7 years, or will we see it similar to when we were last out there ?
Will be picking peoples brains over the next few months as we start to organise our new life again and no doubt will need the services of some local trades to get the cave back up to scratch again !
Anyway, enough for now, but please expect lots of questions in the coming months from us !

Les and Lin

Posts : 79
Join date : 2015-09-03
Location : Huescar, Granada.

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Hello again !  Empty Re: Hello again !

Post by santamaria Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:01 am

Our journey out here started 7 years and the pace of life is still sluggish and enjoyable slow , the cost of living is pretty much the same barring electricity which has zoomed up in this time .Though the cost of solar installations have equally come down. Good luck with all oh and for sure the pound, is once again King , long may this continue. Smile

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Location : Fuente Nueva

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Hello again !  Empty Re: Hello again !

Post by Mariposa Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:03 am

I moved down here from the North of Spain in 2009.  Not much has changed here in that time - a few more Brits and other nationalities have moved here and as you say, more Euros to the Pound now!  Some shops/Bars in Huescar have closed, but others have opened.  If you need help with anything that needs doing in the cave,  I can get you quotes from some excellent local builders, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, all who are fully insured and registered to work in Spain.  Ask lots of questions, that is what we are here for!  Best of luck.  Caroline

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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 58
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Hello again !  Empty Re: Hello again !

Post by Cestrian Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:35 pm

Thanks for the information, and thanks for the possible trades info,  we dont know what we will need doing to the cave til we get out there.  But we will need some work !  

Les & Lin

Posts : 79
Join date : 2015-09-03
Location : Huescar, Granada.

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Post by Mariposa Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:16 pm

When you are ready get several quotes, then you know you are not being ripped off! If you get PM's from people, ask yourselves why they are not posting live comments on your thread!

I help get reputable trades in touch with those that can't communicate fully in Spanish, my services don't cost you anything - I am happy to help. Lots of people helped me when I first moved to Spain many years ago, so I am pleased to be able to 'pay it forward' as they say!

I can also help you at the Bank, Town Hall, Social Services Office in Huescar, etc... if you need it.

There is already a lot of info on here, so just use the search box, top right.


Posts : 1111
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 58
Location : Castillejar

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